Thursday, 26 April 2012

Paul Schietekat 's Shoes

Hey Hey What do we have here? 
i was browsing on the net 
when my eyes were impressed by a pair of amazing shoes

but I did not think it did affect even our shoes!

They are in fact a creation of Belgian artist Paul Schietekat.
The ‘High Tide Heels’ are currently on display at the Pinsart gallery, but have actually been around since 2006. They have appeared in an advert for Canal plus and they also seem to have inspired similar designs that have made it onto the catwalk and adverts raising awareness about global warming!

Instead they are meant to be a comical comment on climate change and rising sea levels.
"Humour is a very important element in my designs" said the 45-year-old Belgian-based artist.

  They seem to have inspired Jean Paul Gaultierinto creating this “ready to wear” look, below, that grazed the runway in Spring 2007.

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